I have spent the last two years of my life wrapped in mourning. I am very good, usually, at presenting a brave face to the world. If you don't know me well you would be forgiven for believing that everything is wonderful! A lot of times I look at pictures of me and I can see it there - the smile that doesn't quite touch my eyes and I know that the sadness is creeping in. Sadness has picked away at every single moment of my life these past few years - but I cannot allow myself to stay here.
Last night I lay in bed wondering if it is okay for me to allow myself to feel happy again. To allow myself to start to feel joy again and I have decided that YES it is okay. My boys need me to be okay and so I am putting myself back together - Expect to see a lot of exciting things!
So as I put flesh on the bones of my life and feel myself coming back, slowly. Some days it is step by step and it is hard but I can do hard things and so can you.