Can we talk about managing our expectations?

In my mind I hoped to look “normal” I don’t know what that was exactly but that was what I wanted post WLS! I think I wanted to be stretch mark free, able to see my own vag and I hoped to have boobs that vaguely pointed forwards and not at my toes. Beyond that, well I hadn’t really thought. I didn’t consider things like the tone differences is my skin, how dark I was between my thighs, under my arms and under my belly flap from hormones (thanks PCOS) and years of chaffing, I didn’t factor in particularly how my stretch marks were going to look once the fat was gone. Years of obesity have left their indelible mark. I have learned a lot since going down the route of plastic surgery and one thing is to manage my expectations. I know that I have been incredibly fortunate to have the skin removal that I’ve had. I am also still left tucking skin in. It isn’t possible to cut more skin off me without affecting my mobility and my skin is still covered in stretch marks so the integrity of my skin is not great. I still have significant skin tone differences that do look weird. I was reminded of it today when a group of teenagers with no manners decided to say “wash under your arms you dirty old bitch” but hey that’s a them problem that they had nothing better to do than make fun of me 🙂 I’m sure they will grow up to be winners in the world. I have scars, skin to tuck in, excess skin and all of those things to deal with but I also have normal blood pressure, could probably outrun the smarty bum teens that were being smart mouths and enjoy life now which I didn’t prior to weight loss surgery. it was nice to not be in a long sleeve jumper today which I always was prior to my weight loss surgery. It is nice to Christmas shop with my husband rather than just send him to do it because I couldn’t walk for that long. All the scars and stretch marks and weirdly coloured skin is worth it - I’m so thankful that I can participate in life on my terms now!!

I am happy to answer questions on this post. I think I have healed well because I really make a very big effort to make sure that my blood work is correct going in to surgery. I am pedantic about my vitamins and I very rarely have days when I don’t have the right amount of protein for my needs. I still, at nearly 4.5 years post op cannot eat all my protein each day and I shamelessly use a protein supplement.


