**Starting Weight:** 126.7 kg


**Surgery Type:** Gastric bypass with minimiser ring


### Reasons for Choosing Weight Loss Surgery

I decided on weight loss surgery due to PCOS and medication, which led to steady weight gain. My doctor informed me I was pre-diabetic and had a fatty liver. After trying countless diets and exercise programs without long-term success, I knew I needed a different solution.


### Preparation for Surgery

To prepare for the surgery, I began walking my kids to school and sampled various shake brands to find the one I liked best. I thoroughly researched what to expect post-surgery and planned meals for each stage, even freezing small tubs of soup for easy post-surgery meals.


### Initial Thoughts and Feelings Post-Surgery

Having experienced other surgeries, I was familiar with the gas pain and tackled it with peppermint tea and walking. Initially, I felt everything was going too smoothly since I had no pain and could drink fluids easily. However, the puree stage proved challenging when I realised, I needed to start with thinner purees. Each stage taught me more about my new diet, and despite occasional discomfort, I adapted and found joy in discovering what my taste buds now enjoyed.


### Life Changes Post-Surgery

**Physically:** I am no longer pre-diabetic, my fatty liver has healed, my cholesterol levels are normal, and my PCOS is under control. I also have more energy.

**Emotionally:** I am happier and more outgoing. My PTSD and panic disorder are under control.


### Biggest Challenges During Recovery

The puree stage was particularly tough; I felt frustrated and just wanted to eat normally again. Additionally, I struggled with body image, often still seeing myself as overweight.


### Diet and Exercise Routine Comparison

**Before Surgery:** I had no exercise routine, drank coffee for breakfast, ate takeaway for lunch, had meat and veggies for dinner, and snacked on chocolate or chips.

**Now:** I start my day with oats and protein coffee, have a protein ball for morning tea, cruskets with tuna for lunch, an egg for afternoon tea, and meat and veggies for dinner.


### Unexpected Benefits and Drawbacks

A surprising benefit was fitting into my daughter's clothes, allowing us to swap and share outfits. An unexpected drawback, yet ultimately positive, was that the surgery led to the discovery of a heart problem, which doctors took seriously.


### Impact on Relationships

My relationships strengthened as I became more active and engaged with my family. Some friendships grew stronger, while others faded due to jealousy.


### Support Systems

My dietitian and surgeon have been invaluable. A simple call to their reception ensures a callback the same day.


### Reflections and Advice

I have no regrets or things I wish I'd done differently; my extensive research paid off. My advice to anyone considering weight loss surgery is to go for it—you won’t regret it. It's the best decision I ever made. The pre-op and initial stages are tough, but it's worth it.


### Maintaining Motivation and Commitment

I keep things interesting by adapting my exercise routine. If the weather is bad, I turn to YouTube for yoga or dance fitness videos.


### Realising Surgery Was the Right Choice

I knew I made the right decision when I could walk into any shop and buy clothes without looking for plus-size sections.


### Future Health and Wellness Goals

To stay on track and not let anything stand in my way.


